Young work-study trainees: aid of 6,000 euros paid to employers in favor of your hiring


Exceptional aid of a maximum of €6,000 is granted to employers who recruit work-study trainees (apprentices and young people on professionalization contracts) between 1 January  and 31 December 2023. It aims to facilitate the entry into professional life of young people, particularly affected by the consequences of the health crisis.

A decree published in the Official Journal of December 30, 2022 establishes exceptional aid of a maximum of €6,000 for employers of apprentices and employees under the age of 30 on professionalization contracts who do not fall within the scope of the one-off aid for contracts concluded in 2023.

This aid is granted for the first year of performance of apprenticeship and professionalization contracts concluded between January 1 and December 31, 2023, it is €6,000 maximum. This exceptional aid cannot be combined with the one-off aid for employers of apprentices, but it can be combined with specific aid for apprentices with disabilities..

This decree also modifies the amount and the terms of allocation of the single aid to employers of apprentices.

Conditions for exceptional hiring assistance 

Which contracts are concerned?

  • Apprenticeship contracts and professionalization contracts concluded between January 1 and  December 31, 2023 to prepare a diploma or a title for professional purposes equivalent to at most level 7 of the national professional certification framework (Bac +5).
  • Professionalization contracts must be concluded with employees under 30 years of age. These contracts can also be professional qualification certificates (CQP) or experimental professionalization contracts.

For which companies and under what conditions?

This flat-rate aid of a maximum amount of €6,000 is intended for all companies and associations.

  • For companies with less than 250 employees, this aid is paid unconditionally. It is paid during the first year of performance of the contract, for eligible companies.
  • Companies with 250 or more employees can benefit from the aid if they meet one of the following two conditions:
    • Achieve at least 5% of contracts promoting professional integration (apprenticeship contract, professionalization contract, etc.) in the total annual salaried workforce, as of December 31, 2024. This rate of 5% is equal to the ratio between the workforce relating to contracts promoting professional integration and the company's total annual salaried workforce.
    • Achieve at least 3% of work-study students (apprenticeship or professionalization contract) and have experienced a 10% increase in work-study students as of December 31, 2024, compared to the annual salaried workforce falling under these categories (apprenticeship and professionalization contracts) as of December 31, 2023.

If these objectives are not achieved, the sums collected must be reimbursed.

Aid management and monitoring is entrusted to the Services and Payment Agency (ASP). It is paid monthly and automatically, before the payment of the salary, during the first year of the apprenticeship contract or the professionalization contract.

  Namely:  For companies, the aid covers 100% of the salary of an apprentice under 18, 70% of the salary of an apprentice aged 18 to 20, 60% of the salary of an apprentice aged 21 at age 25 and almost 30% of the salary of an apprentice aged 26 and over.

The aid covers more than half of the remuneration of an employee under a professionalization contract under the age of 18, more than 40% of the salary for a young person aged 18 to 20, and approximately 30% of the remuneration of a young person aged 21 to 29 years old.

  Note:  specific guideis available to employers. It delivers general information concerning the schemes for which the company may be eligible, it assists the employer in filling out the contract as well as in the steps to be taken with their skills operator (OPCO) and the Service Agency and of payment (ASP).

Unique learning aid

The single apprenticeship aid concerns companies with less than 250 employees for apprenticeship contracts aimed at a diploma or a title for professional purposes equivalent to the baccalaureate at most.

From now on, it is no longer granted over 3 years but only for the first year of execution of the apprenticeship contract. Its amount is €6,000 maximum, like that of the exceptional aid.

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